(sólo en inglés)
We have been specialists in the organisation of group travels (day trips, weekends, week trips) since 1985.
We give you support and advise to create your personalised trips. We carefully select our professional partners for the quality of their services and their reliability. We pool different projects in order to encourage departures. We also offer special prices for employees of certain companies, holiday discounts at our holiday villages partners in France and abroad, our Christmas party, discounts on ski passes and on leisure activities all over France…

Tourism and Leisure Association of Champagne
18 Place Saint Nizier
10000 TROYES
TEL : +33 (0)
Email : tl10.accueil@orange.fr
Website : www.tourismeloisirschampagne.fr
Group Manager: Laure MAS
- Email : tl10.voyagesgroupes@orange.fr
- TEL : +33 (0)