Sólo en inglés
Other gardens have been developed in the capital of the Champagne counts much more recently. Such as the medieval gardens which echo this glorious period of the history of Troyes. Some of them are
evanescent and last for the summer only.
These gardens, created in the courtyards of the Vauluisant mansion, of the Mauroy mansion and the Hôtel-Dieu-le-Comte mansion, are veritable conservatories of medicinal, tinctorial, aromatic and edible plants as they were used in bygone days.
And enduring medieval gardens are also now scattered through the historical heart of the town. Next to Sainte-Madeleine church, the delicate and moving Jardin des Innocents looks like white-themed fireworks.
All the plants in the garden of this old cemetery, part of which is reserved for stillborns, are white.
MOPO © Studio OG – TLC Jardin Juvénal des Ursins © Olivier Douard – TLC
Inspired by the Renaissance, a second enduring medieval garden is located behind the Juvénal des Ursins mansion between the Ruelle des Chats and Rue Paillot-de-Montabert.
Fringed with half-timbered houses, the ornamental flowerbeds and kitchen garden are laid out around a central circular pond. Like the Jardin des Innocents, the intimate atmosphere is perfect for taking a breather. It is like a journey in time and space.
French gardens
Amongst all of the gardens worth visiting, we must mention that of the Musée d’Art Moderne, a French-style or formal garden decorated with contemporary sculptures, and the Jardin du Préau and the Square de la Libération.
The first, built on the site of the former count’s palace, stands opposite the Bassin de la Préfecture with a highly planted silhouette. The second, also at the foot of the Préfecture was entirely remodelled in a resolutely contemporary style to open the perspectives of the historical town. It echoes two different but complementary periods of the town.
Château de Barberey © Guillaume Marcilly MOPO © Studio OG – TLC Jardin des Innocents © Olivier Douard – TLC
If you would like to admire another French-style garden, head out of Troyes and visit one of the most beautiful castles in the Aube area, Barberey-Saint-Sulpice castle with an elegant Louis XIII facade.
It is – and rightly so – listed as a one of France’s “Remarkable Gardens”.
Aurrounded by a moat fed by a reservoir, laid out in the middle of the grounds, it is made up of four squares with abundant topiaries and statues and all sorts of trees and plants, including some exceptional species.
A wooden bridge leads you over the river to the former kitchen garden.